Unlock Your Potential: The Power of Nose Strips 🩹

Breathe Right nose strips have been around for +30 years and their dorkiness has never faded. Their popularity surged in the mid 90’s when they were first introduced to the world through the NFL, 10x’ing each year until reaching their peak in total revenue around the early 2000’s. In this post we will briefly talk about their history, their application in the world of sports (mostly running) and even horse racing, and the stated and untold benefits of wearing Breathe Right nose strips, to ultimately answer the question; Do nose strips improve your performance?.

Breathe Right History

Bruce Johnson was not a football player or an ultra-runner. Instead, Mr. Johnson was a man who appreciated quality sleep. When a little nasal congestion made it hard for him to breathe during his sleep, he sought out ways to improve it on his own. After many iterations, he developed the Nasal Dilator in 1991 and named it Breathe Right shortly after. He took his design and licensed it to CNS, Inc. a medical supply company in 1992. Some time after he filed for a patent and got it approved in 1996 (Patent Details). Breathe Right Nasal Strips are the original nose strips.

Breathe Right started to grow in popularity in the early 1990’s, but did not really take off until a supply of breathe right strips were given to a few NFL teams. Jerry Rice and Herschel Walker were seen wearing the strips while scoring touchdowns on national TV which boosted Breathe Right’s recognition during those years creating a household brand that we know today.

Below is Bruce Johnson starring in an advertisement for Breathe Right.

Equine Adaptation

Shortly after the national attention of Breathe Right, two veterinarians took noticed and started to develop a similar nose strip for horses. Horses have been seen wearing nasal strips in all types of competitions and events. There have been a host of studies conducted since confirming positive improvements from wearing nasal strips. Flair Equine Nasal Strips lists a number of clinical abstracts on their site, here.

Free Sample

Try before you buy with a free sample from BreatheRight.com. Click the link below to request a sample of their Extra Strength Tan nose strips.

Request a sample on BreatheRight.com

Running Adaptation

Here is a study performed in 1997 titled, Physiologic effects of an external nasal dilator. The study found:

The study was conducted in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled manner. At rest, the external nasal dilator was found to significantly increase nasal valve area in all demographic groups measured. The device was also found to significantly decrease submaximal exercise perceived exertion, heart rate, ventilation, and VO2 when compared with placebo.

Below is a podcast episode from the Some Work All Play (SWAP) with Megan and David Roche discussing the power of nose strips.

Ultra Races While Wearing Nose Strips:

  • Leadville
  • Javelina Jundred
  • JFK 50 Miler

Breathe Right strips are FSA or HSA eligible, so use your tax free money to purchase them!

The best deal can be found at Costco. Costco sells a 72 count pack for around $16-18 depending on if they are running a sell. Which is about 0.25 cents a nose strip. Walmart or Amazon come out to around 0.34 cents a nose strip.

Do Nose Strips Improve Your Performance?

Short answer… results my vary. The shape of your nose and genetics will play a role in how much you will benefit from wearing a nose strip. Once I put on a nose strip it instantly felt easier to breathe through my nose. Normally, I am only able to breathe through one side of my nose, but with a strip, it seems to open up the other side so I can take in oxygen quicker.

All these benefits depend on you and your nose structure. results may vary.

  • Positive Placebo Effect
  • Lower Heart Rate
  • Decreased Energy Consumption
  • Increased Nasal Valve Area
  • Easier Fuel Consumption During High Intensity (Tempo/Threshold)
  • “Even if it is slightly better, better than not having it” – David Roche

2025: The Year of Nose Strips

I believe in 2025 we will see an exponential growth of nose strips across all running disciplines.

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