I have been eating Clif Energy Bars for a long time now, but I have not tried all 24 of their Clif Energy Bars. In this post I rank each Clif Energy Bar after tasting and writing down the first thoughts that come to mind. My hope is that you can use this post to help guide you on which bar to buy or to avoid. I did this post for fun because it gave me a reason to try all the bars that I could get my hands on. Meaning… this is not a sponsored post. I do earn affiliate income if you happen to click through the links in this post and others on my site.
For this review I was able to acquire 20 different bars of the 24 that are considered the original Clif Bars at my local Kroger (grocery store). I was quite surprised they had so many flavors. I’m sure it annoyed the cashier when I checked as she had to scan each one. I did include the four sweet and salty flavor Clif Bars since they are included on the Clif Bar product page.
Clif Bar & Company (CB&C) also makes the following 12 products; Clif Energy Bar, Nut Butter Filled, Fruit Smoothie Filled, Whole Lotta, Builder’s, Whey Protein, Energy Granola, Bloks Energy Chews, Shot Energy Gel, Cubes Endurance Bites, Recovery Protein Drink Mix, Hydration Electrolyte Drink Mix, and Mojo Crunch. CB&C is the owner of Luna bars and Clif Kid products. Check out their products online at the following stores or in your local grocery store. I try to buy them when they are at a dollar or less per bar. Amazon Prime typically lists the pack of 12 at $11.28 ( 94 cents per bar).
Amazon’s Clif Store
Fun Facts of Clif Bar & Company:
- Gary Erickson named the bars after his father when they hit the market in 1992.
- Clif Bar headquarters in Emeryville, CA. is like Google with all the perks (i.e. gym, yoga studio, in-house cafe, and subsidized daycare).
- Clif Family has a foundation and a winery.
- The climber’s shoes on the wrapper match the color of each flavor’s packaging.
- The climber’s shirt is blue on the Sweet & Salty wrappers.
- Alex Hannold seems to be the climber, even though Clif Bar dropped Alex and others as sponsored athletes for being too risky in 2014.

Now for my Ranking:
The bars listed below start with my favorite and ends with my least favorite bar. My ranking was based on my first impression of the bar and could change over time as I re-try the different flavors in the future. I was not able to get a hold of the following four bars so I did not include them. Chocolate Almond Fudge, Apricot, Spiced Pumpkin Pie (seasonal) and Iced Gingerbread (seasonal).
(1) Sierra Trail Mix Review: For now the Sierra Trail Mix is number one. The bar is not overly sweet like most of the bars further down on the list. I tend to enjoy the bars that are neutral. This bar is heavy on the peanuts and other seeds (pumpkin and sunflower), with a hint of raisins and cinnamon. The surprise bites of chocolate chips and raisins pair very nicely together. The bar has an earthy taste that doesn’t seem to linger on the tongue or in your mouth all that long like some of the other bars. Not very sweet at all unless you bite into one of the chocolate chips. Really reminds me of a peanut fig bar. If you are looking for a bar that is not overly sweet and has a nutty flavor this is the bar for you.
(2) Chocolate Chip Review: The chocolate Chip was my number one before this taste test, but moved into a close second after tasting the Trail Mix and the Pomegranate Chia bars. It doesn’t offer an exciting experience anymore after eating dozens of them. What stands out the most is the brown sugar cinnamon chocolate flavor that instantly hits the palate. Like a dense brown sugar oatmeal bar with solid chocolate chip chunks.
(3) Berry Pomegranate Chia Review: I was extremely and pleasantly surprised by the taste of this bar. I wasn’t sure of what to expect, but I enjoyed every bite. Although, there are tiny pieces of dried pomegranate, the tidbits tasted and reminded me of Fruit Roll-Ups. The chia seeds then added a delicious crunch to every bite. It was sweet but not overpowering sweetness. And, no lingering after taste that you can experience with some of the other bars. The taste was very light and refreshing.
(4) Coconut Chocolate Chip Review: This bar instantly takes me to beach, with images of laying back and sipping on a cold coconut water. Each bite consisted of crunchy coconut. Occasionally, you are surprised with a shock of chocolate as you take a bite. I think the chocolate chips and the coconut pair nicely together like an oatmeal almond joy. I would enjoy it without the chocolate chips and it would make it lighter to eat as the chocolate chips sits heavy on my taste buds and stomach. Overall it reminds me of the beach and coconut scented sunscreen, which are pleasant memories that make me enjoy it that much more. The chocolate drizzle didn’t do too much for me besides it made the bar look more appetizing.
(5) Peppermint Bark Review: I wish this bar was sold year-round. It would bring so much more joy to the world and to my belly. The bar tastes like your grandma’s oatmeal cookies and peppermint bark mixed together. The tiny pieces of candy cane brings the right amount sweetness to each brown sugar oatmeally bite.
(6) Oatmeal Raisin Walnut Review: Quite a pleasant experience to eat if you enjoy oatmeal creme pies. The pieces of walnuts and the raisin chunks bring great flavor to the cinnamon-nutmeg after taste. I thoroughly enjoyed this bar and know you would to.
(7) White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Review: The rich white buttery chocolate is the first flavor you experience as it melts away into a roasted oaty crunch. There is a slight twang to it, where the flavor lingers for a few seconds in the back of your throat. Similar to the aftertaste like protein bars. The bar is like Subway’s macadamia nut cookie rolled into a crunchy oat bar. I never know if I’m chewing a macadamia nut or white chocolate, doesn’t really matter because I enjoy both of them. I can enjoy this bar during any activity or just for dessert. Some might find this bar a little heavy on the taste buds for strenuous activities.
(8) Chocolate Brownie Review: It does taste like a dense brownie and tastes better than the Dark Chocolate almond with sea salt. I would recommend the Chocolate Brownie over it Reminds me of my mom’s no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies. Nice even chocolate taste. Has a satisfying crunch like it is filled with Rice Krispies. I could eat it this on a ride and any other activity.
(9) Peanut Butter Banana Review: Loaded with peanuts and sprinkled with chocolate chips. The organic banana powder hits strong like a banana Laffy Taffy. I wish there was more of a peanut butter taste to it, the banana seems to overpower it with its lingering aftertaste. Quick note, the potassium isn’t any higher in this bar than the others. If your favorite flavor of Laffy Taffy is banana flavored you’ll enjoy this.
(10) Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch Review: In between the Crunchy peanut crunch and the chocolate chip. Just a hit of peanut butter with chocolate chips sprinkled throughout. The peanut butter taste sort of lingers in the mouth so if you’re not a fan of PB, just buy the chocolate chip bar. You can visibly see the peanut pieces in the bar, however, they don’t seem to add much flavor, just looks a little more appetizing. Overall i can deal with the peanut butter taste but I wish it had more chocolate chips to balance out the flavor. I could find myself enjoying this flavor while out adventuring.
(11) Blueberry Crisp Review: Large slices of almonds. Has a lingering sweetener syrup taste that hits the back of the throat after swallowing. Tastes like the old cereal bar from insert name of company. Unless you get a chunk of almond the sweetness is overpowering. I don’t think i could eat this on a ride or run. Would be ideal as a morning snack while camping or hiking or for dessert. the sweetener syrup experience on the back of tongue and throat would be too much as it almost gags me. It does disappear after a drink of water.
(12) Crunchy Peanut Butter Review: Definitely has peanuts in it. If you are allergic to peanuts avoid at all costs. It has a slight peanut butter taste. Not overwhelming at all. Tastes like stale, not flavorful, peanut butter rolled in peanuts and oatmeal. Kind of a blah taste. No lingering aftertaste, but the taste could get old if you were to buy a 12 pack of them.
(13) Nuts & Seeds Review: Can taste the seeds right away. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are highly visible throughout the bar. Light cane syrupy batter with sunflower and pumpkin seeds rolled into it. Not overly sweet but very nutty. The chunks of almonds help to damper the sweetness. I want to say I taste just a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg. Reminds me of the carrot cake bar but replace the carrots with the seeds. The aftertaste is not bad at all. It is a solid bar, but I’m not a huge fan of nuts mixed into my food. I’ll eat raw nuts all day, but once you mix them in, I’m out. If you want mildly sweet cookie dough like batter with nuts and seeds then this bar is for you.
(14) Carrot Cake Review: Heavy oat taste and carrot chunks that you can see. Does taste like carrot cake and the chunks has a similar consistency to coconut. There’s this flavor syrup like cinnamon/vanilla that hits the back of my throat after chewing and swallowing it. It lingers like a spiced rum shot. only disappearing after I chase each bite with a swig of water. While it is good, I don’t think this would be my go to during a run or some other type of pro-long adventure. I would pack the carrot cake to eat as dessert on a camping trip or to mix it during the work week.
(15) Cool Mint Chocolate with Caffeine Review: Smells like an Andes Mint Chocolate Candy. Tastes like the Chocolate brownie bar but with a burst of mint that comes out of nowhere. If you didn’t read see the packaging you would think you were eating the Chocolate Brownie bar until three chews in the mint flavor that slowly evaporates on your taste buds to give you a very refreshing mint taste. The drizzle doesn’t doesn’t do touch much for me besides make the bar a little more appetizing looking. I tried tasting the icing itself and it only tasted sweet, so i think the mint is mixed in. Again, I don’t need the caffeine in my Clif Bars because I supplement that with other things. If I needed a pick me up I would eat this bar, but I would stay away from eating it on long adventures if I already was carrying something with caffeine.
(16) Peanut Toffee Buzz with Caffeine Review: Chunks of chewy toffee that you can visibly see. Tastes like a Werther’s Original toffee candy by gooey. very even flavor that reminds me of brown sugar oatmeal with dollop of peanut butter. The peanuts does stick out until you bite through one of the chewy toffee bites. Pretty easy to eat as the flavor is not too strong. Sits well on the tongue and in the mouth with no lingering aftertaste. sort of tastes like a nutty oatmeal creme pie without the creme. Its cool that it contains caffeine but since it has caffeine it won’t be my go to. I already have caffeinated gels and drink mixes.
(17) Caramel Toffee with Sea Salt Review: Tasted like a bunch of caramel chews melted down and mixed crunchy sweet cereal flakes. Really reminded me of a caramel donut. Sweet but delicious with no lingering after taste. Easy to eat. I could enjoy this on any activity or to just satisfy my sweet tooth. There are actual caramel injections within the bar that surprise you every so often. Its like they took pieces of caramel chews and threw them into the mix. Even thought it says it made with sea salt, I couldn’t taste anything different. It’s in the ingredient list but its salt after all so maybe the flavor is enhanced because they use sea salt instead of regular salt.
(18) Dark Chocolate Almond with Sea Salt Review: Does taste dark, but not like dark chocolate. Tastes like a dense brownie wit chunks of almonds, rice crispies and oatmeal. Super rich milk chocolate taste. Has a similar lingering after taste that hits the back of the throat when you swallow. Not sure what causes that. It good if you love chocolate. It would be too rich for me to eat on a ride or another activity.
(19) Peanut Butter & Honey with Sea Salt Review: reminds me of sweet graham crackers smashed together with honey. or take a stale organic peanut butter and waxy honey and graham crackers and you get this. not overly sweet but definitely sweeter than the other bars. The honey and sea salt tends to linger in the back of the throat. If you prefer sweets than this bar is for you. I definitely would prefer this bar over the others that are sort of dull tasting.
(20) Chocolate Chunk with Sea Salt Review: Sweet cookie dough batter taste. There is a lingering taste that hits the back of the throat. Some type of syrup, an astringent aftertaste. Tastes like a buttery cookie dough with chocolate chunks. The weight of the flavor is medium to heavy, seems to sit well on my taste buds without overwhelming them as much. I did enjoy chewing the bar and the chocolate chunks but not the aftertaste. Has that protein bar aftertaste.
What is your favorite flavor?