Chrome Extension – Time to Submit

I worked hard on a my Chrome Extension, for two weeks during Christmas break and the following week. I had thought of the idea a few months prior and then dedicated that time during and after Christmas break to build a minimum viable product (MVP). Using GitHub Co-Pilot and Google I was able to build out a simple Chrome Extension. It is currently not live on the Chrome Store but I am now ready to submit it for review. Like every project I still have a list of features I want to build out. I know building those more complex features will take more time than it did to build the MVP, so I have decided to submit the extension for review this week.

My website is good enough. The script has been minified using the free tool on The hope is the minified script will prevent users from copying the source code, but with Chat-GPT one can ask it to re-format the entire length of the code. I have performed the same action on the extension I opened up to learn how it was constructed.

I also added the scissors emoji as the logo for Coupon Admin and finally got the extension icons to work. I had used this free tool ( but the icon would not load to my task bar. I finally discovered there was an issue with something within the properties. I then used this tool ( and the icon loaded properly.

Although, I am about to submit my extension for review I have struggled since January to stay focus on this project. All the podcasts and content I consume state you focus on the one thing. I find it difficult to stay 100% committed on one project for an extended period of time. I always come back to it but it could be weeks and sometimes months. My distractions are all relevant to becoming a developer of some kind so it is not in vain. However, I need to see one of my smaller projects all the way through so I can gain the valuable experience of completing something worthwhile to share with the world. I heard this quote the other day:

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”

Robert Collier

This quote is how I need to continue to value about the little projects I work on at 4AM in the morning most days. I am continuing to improve and set small building blocks of knowledge. Even though the building blocks are like grains of sand, one day they might form a strong structure that a different career path can built upon.

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