Run Commute 8/2

Morning Commute:

I’ve been run commuting at least once per week now, trying to add more miles to my week. The summer heat and humidity, however, is making it tough to run longer miles. I have been trying to run over 6 miles during my morning commute to get them in when it is a little cooler. That then leaves me with sopping clothes I try to dry with my personal fan. About 90% of the time the clothes are still damp and my shoes are still wet when I go to put them on for my evening commute. Just openly complaining.

It has been raining the past two days and bike commuting hasn’t been that much fun because of it. So I decided to try run commuting in the rain and took off that morning. I left a little later than I wanted and was only able to get 5 miles before my time expired. My route led me to a park where I almost ran into Bambi and her mom grazing. It was a cool sight indeed, being physically located within a major city. Once I snapped a pic for instagram, I headed to work to finish 5 miles for my morning commute.

Evening Commute:

The evening commute was actually more fun than the morning. It was still raining, which was quite nice because the air temperature was 15 degrees lower than normal. I ran through the same park as the morning and saw the same deer family. This time I came within 5 feet of the momma before I saw her standing there just looking at me. I ended running past the mom and her babies 5 times because of the loop I chose to run to get some quick miles in. The rain continued to come down and actually picked up after I left the park and headed home. All and all it was fun to knock out 8 miles and run in the rain for the first time in a very long time.

Morning Commute: 5.05 miles | 9:08/mi

Afternoon Commute: 8.14 miles | 8:23/mi


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