For the past couple of years I have been following the Chinese cycling market on AliExpress and comparing the quality to the mainstream cycling branded gear in the U.S. And, over those years the quality of the cycling gear sold has steadily been increasing. Years before the only kits you could buy were professional team replicas or super cheap, loose fitting jerseys and bib shorts. Now, the cut and fabrics rival those of top branded cycling companies.
A few Chinese branded clothing stores have popped up taking the market share of the online orders. In this post I’ll Share with you the stores, their most ordered pieces and my favorite item(s) they have available. I have ordered close to a hundred items off AliExpress of varying degree of categorization, but with a huge focus in cycling gear. I can say with great confidence my experience with the quality of the products and customer service I have experienced has been top notch. The only thing to get used to is the 2-3 week shipping time frames.

Spexcel is my favorite go to cycling brand on AliExpress. The quality and price of their gear far out weighs the extended shipping times and rivals some of the top cycling brands in the U.S. Since 2016, I have bought multiple pieces of both their bib shorts and jerseys. Click here to read my in depth review (Spexcel Post).
- Most Ordered: $25 Spexcel Aero Cut Jersey
- 2nd Most Ordered: $36 Spexcel Bib Shorts with Pockets
- My Favorite: $23 Spexcel Climber’s Jersey

- Most Ordered: $19 Pimmer Lightweight Gilet Vest
- 2nd Most Ordered: $21 Pimmer Summer Climber’s Jersey
- My Favorite: $31 Pimmer Windproof Jacket

- Most Ordered: $28 Rion Cycling Bib Shorts
- 2nd Most Ordered: $22 Rion Cycling Jersey
- My Favorite: $40 Rion Cycling Jacket

- Most Ordered: $15 Northwave Cycling Jersey
- 2nd Most Ordered: $22 Northwave Bib-Jersey Set
- My Favorite: $22 Green Northwave Bib-Jersey Set
The Black Bibs

Basically Spexcel cycling but without the logo and lacking any cool design. Rebranded cycling gear from China at an inflated price to what you can buy direct from China.

- Most Ordered: $30 Santic Long Sleeve Jersey
- 2nd Most Ordered: $26 Santic Bib Shorts
- My Favorite: $48 Santic Shorts

- Most Ordered: $16 Racmmer Bib Shorts
- 2nd Most Ordered: $13 Racmmer Pro Aero Jersey
- My Favorite: $14 Racmmer Flamingo Jersey

Check out Runchita’s AliExpress store here.
Are there any other stores or brands missing from the list above?
Disclaimer: As mentioned on my other posts and like most sites, if not all websites, the links above are affiliate links that help to keep this site running. Feel free to follow them if you like or you may search for them yourselves on both marketplaces.
Runchita is a good brand. Also Pimmer.
I’ll add Runchita to the list. Thank you!
Any verification that theblackbibs gear is made by spexcel? Very interested to see if this is accurate. Thanks!